Student Debt Smarter
Designed to help students make informed student debt decisions
The Peter G. Peterson Foundation (“PGPF”) Student Debt Smarter Calculator is focused on helping young people better understand the issue of student debt by empowering them to make well-informed decisions about their economic futures using new innovative tools and resources.
The PGPF has engaged Matchfire to assist in the launch and management of a strategic digital marketing & communications campaign for the Student Debt Smarter platform. The main goal of this engagement will be to drive key target audiences to the Student Debt Smarter website to use the Student Loan Affordability Calculator and supplemental resources. Matchfire is also responsible for the monthly management and oversite of the Student Debt Smarter Website and the Student Debt Smarter College Affordability Calculator digital properties and analytics.

Matchfire developed a Summer and Fall Social Media Campaign that launched and laid the foundation for the Student Debt Smarter social media page, establishing the brand, positioning, leveraging key learnings from measurement and engaging with newfound audience. Matchfire has also partnered with PGPF to take over the management of their website and the Student Debt Smarter Affordability Calculator. Giving us the opportunity to update analytics, reporting and audit the website to ensure consistent user experience.